Are you PSS Ready?

As you may have picked up already, much information is needed to facilitate this workshop. You must collaborate with business and product leaders to ensure the Spike.  A well-defined product strategy can not exist without the context of the business. 

You’ll need your business model and the Product Objectives to be relatively stable so we can define the problem well. You’ll need an understanding of: 

  • Business Mission + Vision 

  • Market + Competitor Analysis

  • Value Proposition 

  • Constraints + Resources

  • Differentiation + Positioning

And, we’ll ignore a few areas we don’t want to impede our creativity (e.g., pricing strategy, supply chain logistics.) If you have information, great! 

The PSS shapes strategy through unforgettable facilitation, harnessing expertise, and regularly checking with decision-makers.

With this kit you’ll create a Product Strategy that includes:

  • The Problem Statement(s)

  • User types + goals

  • User needs + barriers

  • Ideation HMWS, What-Ifs + Prompts

  • Solution Shapes 

  • Hypothesis + Dependencies

How will we craft all of this in 3-5 days? 😅

We will use a series of structured activities daily to increase our fidelity to the problem, reducing variables (and risk). This workshop utilizes a standard 6-step product development process. As teams work their way through the steps, the fidelity of their thinking increases (answering the questions necessary to move to the next step confidently.)

This kit provides you with activities that help create a shared understanding of the problem space and provide a basis for creating a high-level roadmap. All while allowing teams to stay flexible in changing environments! 

Before we jump into it, let’s take a high-level look at the PSS workshop.